Sometimes called Altar Servers, persons 7 years old and up help the priest lead worship during the worship service. Carrying a cross, carrying the torches, assisting the priest in setting the Altar, sometimes even with incense, and many other things acolytes do during the worship. Acolytes arrive 20 minutes before the service and vest in a white alb. Acolytes process in at the beginning and out at the end of the church with the rest of the Altar party. Training is available and is open to children, teens, and adults.
Altar Guild
The formal term, sacristan, is the person that prepares the Altar for worship. If you like making sure that things are in order, taking care of the holy vessels and linens, and servicing before and after the services, this might be a service opportunity for you.
Talk to the head of the Altar Guild at church or email them here.
Bible Study
Do you think you need to understand the Bible perfectly before you can lead a bible study? Think again. Would you like to learn more about the Bible in a safe and not judgmental group? This new approach to learning the bible is working together in studying the scriptures that we will be reading on the following Sunday. There are some self-help books to teach you how to leave Bible study.
Check our events here or email the bible study coordinator here.
Book Group
Do you love to read? This is the group for you. In the past, we have read several different books. Kate Bowler’s Everything Happens for a Reason, Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott, Nadia Bolz-Weber’s Accidental Saints, and the list goes on. If you are interested in leading a book group, or even attending it, let the parish administrator know here.
Dates and times of our Book Group can be found here.
Choir and Mustic Ministry
Love music, come join us at our weekly practice (check the Church calendar for dates and times). We are not looking for experts. We are looking for people that love to sing and share their talents with our community of faith. The music minister will even work with you at practice until you are ready to join in singing at worship. We would love to have you join us. Additionally, if you can play an instrument, let us know. Our music minister would love to chat with you.
Church Cleaning
Would you like to help keep the Church clean and tidy? We need help to keep things in tip-top shape! If you are interested in helping to clean, either one time or on a regular basis, please contact our Parish Office Assistant.
Contact us via phone or email here.
Coffee Hour Hosts
Can you make coffee? All you need to do is sign up to host a coffee hour and you can support want some Episcopalians sometimes call the ‘third sacrament.’ Let us know if you would like to take it on a Sunday or two each year. There are people to help you both set up and take down after a coffee hour.
Add your name to the list at church or email the office for more information.
Community Dinner Hosts
One of the most fun evenings for outreach to our community is our monthly community dinners. If you would like to be a host by helping us to get ready, set up, serve, and clean up, we would be most excited to have you join us. This would also be a good way to make friends and build community. For our next Community Dinner date, see our events here.
To volunteer or ask questions on how you can help, please email us here.
Eucharistic Ministers
A Eucharistic Minister is a parishioner who serves, distributes, and administers the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the Holy Communion or Eucharist of the Church Service. If communion is an important part of your worship life, you might enjoy being a minister of the Eucharistic. Training is always available. If you have questions about when you are assigned, please log into Ministry Scheduler Pro.
If you have questions about when the next training is, please email us here.
Food Pantry
We are in the process of reopening our food pantry after the fire at our sister parish, Grace Episcopal Church and the Incarnation. If you would like to help us in this ministry, and if you can drive to get food at our supply source, stock shelves, or assist our patrons, please reach out to us! We are looking forward to being in full swing as soon as our facilities at Grace are renovated. If you would like to get involved, please reach out to the group via email here.
If you need assistance with food, please call 215-624-1144,10X or email us here.
Friends and Fun Fridays’
A recent name change from ‘Family, Fun Fridays’ to ‘Friends and Fun Fridays’’ more accurately conveys what it is we do. We need a team to bring this ministry back online since the pandemic. On the first and third Friday nights at 6 pm, kids gather to share a meal, watch a short video about Jesus’s teachings or have kid-friendly mass! We need adult hosts to be trained in Safe Church practices along with Anti-racism.
Grant Writing
Have you ever sat at your desk wondering how to find funds to implement a church program that could make a big difference in the lives of the people you serve? Funding sources in congregational budgets used to come from a combination of tithes, gifts, rents, or endowments to fulfill the mission of God. In today’s world, we need to get creative about funding their ministries and programs.
If you are interested in helping out with the writing of grants, please email us here.
Greeters and Ushers
One of the most important ministries in the parish. You will assist newcomers and other worships alike in getting their service bulletins and finding a seat with a warm smile. This ministry also helps collect offers and guides people to receive communion during the service. If you are a person that likes to make sure people are taken care of in a kind way, this might be the ministry for you!
When are you serving? Log in here. Questions? Email us here.
Jesus’ Justice
Jesus invites us to share what God has given us with the world. Jesus’ Justice allows us to be co-creators with God’s Grace. This ministry is about going deeper into a relationship with each other through service, gathering, and dissemination of information, and outreach into our community.
If you have a heart for Jesus’s Justice, email us to find out what is going on here.
A layperson is a person trained in reading scripture and is appointed by the rector to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. The term is from the Latin, “to read.” There is no license required for this lay ministry. A lector may also be known as a reader. Lay persons served as readers in the early church. If you would like to know when you are assigned to read, please log into Ministry Scheduler Pro.
If you would like to be added to the list, please email us here.
Office Assistant
Are you good at office work and do you have time to help the staff? From letter reading to filing, office assistance helps the office staff so that they can spend more time and effort on the needs of the parish and community. Computer skills are helpful but not required. This ministry is also a good way for high schools to get the credit and experience they need for the corporate world.
Stephen’s Ministry
Stephen Ministries is a not-for-profit Christian education organization founded in 1975 that produces training and resources known for their excellence, practicality, psychological integrity, and theological depth. These resources cover topics such as caring ministry, assertive relating, spiritual gifts discovery, grief support, spiritual growth, and more. We are excited to share these matters with people that grieving the loss of loved ones.
Spanish Ministries
Our sister parish, Holy Innocents St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Tacony, has an active, vibrant, and growing community Spanish-speaking community of Faith. Services in Spanish are Sundays at 2 pm at 7001 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19135. You can check out their events here. If you would like to get involved or are interested in working with this community, please email us here.