Grace Episcopal Church and the Incarnation-Philadelphia is our sister church in the neighborhood of Port Richmond.
Our churches are working hand-in-hand to demonstrate God’s love to everyone, and turn the world upside down just as Jesus did!
The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ, in 108 dioceses and three mission areas in 22 nations or territories. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
The mission of the church, as stated in the Book of Common Prayer’s catechism (p. 855), is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.”
The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania is a diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America encompassing the counties of Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Delaware in the state of Pennsylvania.
The Diocese has 36,641 members in 2020 in 134 congregations. In March 2016, Daniel G. P. Gutierrez was elected Bishop Diocesan; he was consecrated and assumed office on July 16, 2016. Upon becoming bishop in 2016, Gutiérrez implemented a strategy of experimentation and adaptation.
Episcopal Legal Aid’s mission is to promote access to justice by bringing pro bono civil legal services to low-income residents of Philadelphia and surrounding counties.
Episcopal News Service (ENS) offers in-depth reporting of local, regional, national and international news for Episcopalians and others interested in the church’s mission and ministry. Episcopal News Service is the official news source of the Episcopal Church.
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship
We are children of God, disciples of Jesus Christ who feel called to a ministry of transformation through stewardship. We are sojourners who, along with many others, have some sense that it is through an understanding of holistic stewardship and a practice of gratitude and generosity that we will grow spiritually, that we will grow more and more into the likeness of the loving, generous God in whose image we are created. We believe that it is by virtue of our baptism that we are called to this ministry of stewardship.
TENS is an association of church leaders who understand, practice, and proclaim God’s call to generosity.
Caring for Friends is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. They fulfill their mission through a homebound meals program, homeless outreach, and a food bank — thanks to the help of thousands of volunteers, donors, home cooks, and supporters.
Bishops United Against Gun Violence, a network of nearly 100 Episcopal Church bishops, urges our cities, states and nation to
adopt policies and pass legislation that will reduce the number of people in the United States killed and wounded by gunfire.
The Liturgical Calendar of the Episcopal Church. See for important dates and events in the church year.
There are several ways of accessing a digital version of the Book of Common Prayer. You can view an online PDF in your web browser, or download the Electronic Common Prayer (eCP) app for mobile devices.
eCP offers the most commonly used worship services and devotional content of the BCP along with the full lectionary texts in one app and is compatible with current iOS and Android systems.